Sunday, March 25, 2012


This is it...
The moment when we become grown-ups
The moment when we grow ourselves some conscious awareness
When it all makes sense
And, despite knowing we are powerless ants
We surely know that it is us who turn the world upside down
Puny ants with puny power
Turn everyone into sheeps
Leading them according to our desires
Changing the natural course according to our will

This is us
The most obnoxious virus of the entire world
Infecting every ounce of earth beneath our feet
With our knowledge
With our culture
With our differences
With our supposed love to thy neighbour

This is everything
The place where it all happens
The space where everyone has room to occupy with the ever growing/diminuishing ego
Expanding ourselves in all sorts of ways possible and unimaginable
Destroying in order to construct
Creating phoenixes within us and in others

The ever changing chameleon
Morphing every atom in existence
Shaping souls and theories
To either justify our presence
or simply to present reasons just not to be there at all...

This is it...
This is 大人
This is 人間
This is US!



Hope Damage said...


Baron VonCherry said...

Thoughts shown in an interesting light. Keep it up! :)