Thursday, June 9, 2016


(Kimi wo matteru...)

(Waiting you...)

You made me love you in a speed I couldn't control...
It was a small, light feeling blooming throughout the spring...
It kept growing more and more with all the care and tenderness, until it stopped...

Static, with its face caressed by sunlight and it showed its first signs of an unexpected frailness at the first breeze that went by...

And suddenly you cast the night on it and the bud closed itself in ephemeral hybernation, living, sleeping, waiting... retaining everything within...

Your night grew long and cold... 
But the bud waited...
I waited...
We waited until the sun could rise again...

Despite the frailness and the everlasting cold, the bud stood tall and strong, and waited...
I waited...
We waited...
...for you!

We're still waiting, in the hope that your night will dissolve into a bright blue sky, for the truth within this feeling, though frail, it's strong enough to wait and last...


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