Friday, February 19, 2010


Quanto mais penso, mais me baralho
Quanto mais imagino, mais me confundo
O teu olhar, de minha impressão, parece que me despreza e a tua ausência aumenta...
No entanto a tua boca, de minha impressão, parece intrigar-me com palavras recheadas de alegoria...
A minha mente baralhada por não encontrar nexo em parte nenhuma e o meu coração confuso não sabe o que sentir...
Deixaste-me sem alento, sem parede onde segurar a minha moribunda cabeça, as minhas quatro cercas esvaneceram-se e tornei-me mais um sem-abrigo emocional...
Descontente faço um sorriso amarelo e despeço-me com um golpe bruto e simultaneamente suave resgatando a minha desorientada pessoa e levando-me numa viagem curta ao sítio mais longínquo possível...
Como posso ter medo de quem amo? Pois foi isso que senti, após o tropeção de palavras que criei para te expulsar do meu campo de visão...
Foi horrível agir assim, mas como posso combater algo que não vejo ou que não existe? Acho que não poderão julgar pelo que fiz... Censura está fora de questão...


Monday, February 8, 2010

I think the coast is clear...

The tip of my fingers crawl upon the coldness of my face...
My eyes remain shut because it's too cruel to look at it right now...
My mouth is dry, swallowing the moans and screams I cannot release because of the scars left in my flesh...
A war no one should get into...
A war that compromises everything in your life...
A battle with no winners or losers...
Just fighters...
You and your ideals, principles, moral...
Everything that makes you you...
Those are your own opponents...
And even when you feel like you've won, they show you that the battle ain't over yet...
And your eyes remain shut until something captivating and worth looking makes you give up on darkness and live through this war, making you flawless...
Until your next fall...
And those moments are worth watching...
Those moments are worth living...
Those will be the memories carved in your heart that will make you keep going...
Treasure them, but first... Live them...


Saturday, February 6, 2010


They can be peaceful workers,
Slothful peace makers,
Or kind human warmers...

Can be good dealers,
Humorous gesture makers,
Or rigorous leaders...

But at no point should you make fun of them
At no point are you allowed to bite them off
At no point are you permitted to judge them or even speak for them...

For these can turn their sweet and kind touches that come from within my heart into the deadliest of weapons, desirable to the Devil...

Not even loving ones I tolerate...
Maybe more than I want...
But the limit cannot be pushed at anytime...



僕の手 (Boku no Te = My Hands)

(Boku no Te wa boku no desu yo. = My Hands are Mine!)

。(Ningen ga daisuki da, kedo tenshi ja nai. = I love humans, but I'm not an angel)

僕の手はアートのメイカーの手です。(Boku no Te wa AATO no MEIKAA no te desu. = My Hands are hands that make art.)

そして、アーティストはCREATORとDESTROYERです。(Soshite, AATISTO wa CREATOR to DESTROYER desu. = Furthermore, an artist is a creator and a destroyer.)

(Please believe in me...)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sins and virtues - Marionette

Sins are actions
Virtues are gifts

Sins were made to be committed,
Like rules are made to be broken...
No news here...
However, it's the way we commit that makes them something bad or something bigger then virtues themselves...
Not even 神さま can judge that with a negative notion, for not only is he our creator, but also the original creator of evil and its sins...
The Devil doesn't recruit followers from humankind, he lures people in order to have puppets to play with, for that is the role that 神さま assigned him...
If 神さま is everything, then he is also evil, the bond between good and evil, the balance and the personification of both ends...
For them, we're puppets...
But both of them forget that we too have a conscience of ourselves...
Most of us may be dumb, but not all...
Don't underestimate us!
May be it's gonna be us who will end up playing with your own strings...
And strangle you...
The student surpassing the master
The elevation of new entities...
And it's gonna be the sins and virtues ruling the moral of Earth...


Monday, February 1, 2010

I found and lost Bonaparte...

Today I met Josephine
As rude as a peasant
As kind as a queen
For today I met Josephine

Tyrant in words
Soft hearted in emotions
Childlike thoughts
Slip her so called matured mouth

Thought it'd be hard to know her, but
Despite all the rudeness
Despite all the orders and cursing
Before I noticed, I knew her
Better than myself

Yesterday I met Josephine
Naive mind
Her eyes are keen
For today I met Josephine
and again
'Till Josephine was no more
But a person that I once met...

The days were passing
Her hand was harassing
Every single piece of me
Never has been like this with anyone
Never have I let this be

Yesterday I met Josephine
And I forgot her
And that part of my mind was erased
I once met a Josephine
And never again I wanted
