Tuesday, October 13, 2009

All that jazz....

I was awake...
Simply listening to that kind of music,
To all that jazz...
I wanted to be sober,
But even the music was against my will...
Like myself,
Tempted to addictions,
Tempted to the sound,
The melody,
That melody...
And that jazz...
I t kept me warm inside...
In a trance
In a dream...
Playing drunk
Listening to the beat...
Jailed in my mind,
With caged thoughts,
In my dimension
Where everything is ready to kill me,
Burning my soul to its very end,
'Till the music stops...
And I finally step up to reality...
With all the same jazz...
I wake up from the trance...
Traveling back 'till to the awful truth...
The one I'll face 'till its very end...
But I'll be here
I'll stand up, waiting,
In this world,
Ready for the trance,
Ready for the killing thoughts,
Ready to get drunk,
By all that jazz...


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